giovedì 4 aprile 2013

Alessandro Spinardi “investment manager” di Gforex

 Ma chi è Alessandro Spinardi ,scelto da di Fonzo quale gestore di Gforex? Nato nel 75,ha iniziato a “farsi le ossa” con i programmi HYIPS.Per chi non sapesse di che si tratta,in pratica truffe tipo schema Ponzi o catene di S.Antonio,vi rimando al sottostante link di wikipedia.

Già negli anni tra il 2000 e il 2005 sembra che cercasse di attirare persone sulla rete con la promessa di lucrosi guadagni.
In seguito,verso il 2006,lo ritroviamo nel Forex Shrine Management e nel Sensa Trust del fantomatico Simon Pink,tutte attività che ovviamente fanno una brutta fine assieme ai soldi dei malcapitati sottoscrittori

Nel 2007,una breve parentesi nell' hedge fund Resolute Capital Growth Fund Ltd,da dove rassegna subito le dimissioni,ufficialmente, per oscuri e non ben precisati motivi personali.
Da segnalare,comunque,che da lì a poco,anche Il Resolute Capital andrà incontro a seri problemi a causa delle gravissime perdite di denaro subite.

Appena uscito da Resolute Capital,lo troviamo  a Gforex,portato da chissà chi,dove subito incomincia a darsi da fare da par suo,con i risultati che tutti sappiamo...

Molti dei links che riguardano l'attività di Spinardi sono stati rimossi o l'indirizzo non è più valido,però qualche traccia rimane sempre.Ecco alcuni esempi :

Alessandro Spinardi - Pipl Directory - Stati Uniti
First of all, please introduce yourself. Hi guys. ... Alessandro Spinardi offers managed accounts at a 10k minimum which can be traded ... [ ] - Stati Uniti
Internet Invest Forum | The most reliable information about high yield ... experienced self-thaught trader Alessandro Spinardi, Forex Shrine Management was .

Sensa Trust - Simon Pink -- Fraud? - Page 26 - Talkgold HYIP ... › ... › General Program Talk - Traduci questa pagina
10 post - 6 autori - 5 feb 2008
Re: Sensa Trust - Simon Pink -- Fraud? ... I have arrived here looking for online information on Alessandro Spinardi, that currently is a manager

E qui qualche stralcio di vecchi post tratti dai forum specializzati in hyips dove Spinardi interveniva regolarmente in cerca di nuovi clienti e per sponsorizzare i suoi" programmi di investimento”.
Dear members,
We've done it again. Today marks the opening of the Forex Shrine Management
pool at HYIPReview. Many of you have seen the opportunity listed on Sensa
Trust, and possibly that the high minimum deceived many. Well, Alessandro
(the trader for Forex Shrine Management) was eager to find ways to open to
the community and he decided to work with us to open a pool that allows
smaller spenders to take advantage of his services.
Let me tell you about my relationship with Alessandro.
I met him several months ago. Or should I say, he met me. He added himself
to my MSN list, and we chatted a few minutes, after which he said to me: "I
want to offer an opportunity to the HYIP community." Being the tenth person
who said this to me that week, I wasn't all that enthusiastic at first. But he
quickly "sized" me if I may use this term and he asked me what would be a
good way to show me he's the real deal. So I ask for some DD, and it showed
up at my door the following week. Then, I started learning about his business.
Once you do too, you'll also find that he's put a lot of efforts into it and he
knows what he's talking about.
We've kept tightly in touch these past several months and I watched as he
built his opportunity. The result is impressive. Instead of attempting to explain
his trading strategies and systems, I will refer you directly to his website,
Alessandro's reputation is not to be made anymore - and everyone I
introduced him to was delighted with his ideas and dedication. The traders
amongst you might also know him from the Moneytec forum. But don't take
my word for it. Contact him and ask him to arrange a virtual meeting with you.
Because Forex Shrine Management offers exclusively managed accounts,
Alessandro has arranged a certain number of Official Pools to allow smaller
investors to invest with his group. HYIPReview's is one of them.[...]

That's not all. To ensure the security of our funds, they will be placed in an
FXCM account that I will manage myself. Alessandro's signals and robots will
do the trading, but the funds will be safe in an account to my name. Inspired
by Alessandro's virtual meeting idea, I will also allow investors, through a
similar "meeting platform", to view the account in which the pool's funds will
be deposited.
It gets better: Together, we can decide on the risk level of our account. Which
means, if a majority of investors desire a more conservative trading, we'll do
so However, if there are more risk-takers, we can also increase the capital risk
- it's all up to you!
To vote on the capital risk or simply for more information, drop by the pool's
folder in our forum:
I'll be back on Monday, have a great week-end everyone!
Until then,
Simon Pink

Default Re: Sensa Trust - Simon Pink -- Fraud? ... been down.. Here are some
details from when this program run by Spinardi was still going. …
Simon Pink's own "investment program" has yet to pay out a single dime. His
network of recommendations is and always was garbage

 Di Fonzo,ovviamente, era del tutto ignaro dei trascorsi non propriamente trasparenti del suo gestore,socio nonchè co-amministratore delegato di Gforex.D'altronde,non c'è da meravigliarsi,in quanto è sempre lo stesso Di Fonzo che era  anche all'oscuro dei precedenti per truffa del suo ex socio e broker Mahmood Riaz.
Certo che a dar credito alla sua narrazione dei fatti,scaturisce l'immagine di un uomo assai distratto e superficiale 
Mah!... C'è da chiedersi di cosa si occupasse Di Fonzo quand'era  ceo di Gforex.

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Gforex,Gtl Trading,Mahmood Riaz,Alessandro Spinardi,Claudio Di Fonzo,una truffa da 26 milioni di euro